Song Without Borders is made possible by individuals who feel resonant with our works, and wish to participate in furthering our projects. Contributions include interviews, music, event hosting, in-kind donations (such as film equipment, venues or food for events) and funding.
Living Bridges of Santa Fe, NM, is the 501 (c)3 non profit umbrella for Song Without Borders

Projects in development.
In Search of The Great Song film series, initiated with our award-winning documentary, Shining Night: A Portrait of Composer Morten Lauridsen, is now being followed up with our second feature-length documentary incorporating footage of interviews from around the world.
New films in development are made possible by generous donations from people who feel resonant with this work- thank you for your support!
We invite your contribution to help bring In Search of The Great Song to completion. Fiscal sponser is Living Bridges, a 501(c)3 nonprofit in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
We greatly appreciate those who have provided
funding for developing these projects, including:
Ursula Lamberson
Artist/Founder, Harmonic Fusion
Ursula has contributed significantly
both financially and creatively
Edward Anderson, MD
President and Founder
Nucleus Technologies, Inc.
Linda Vento, RN
National Healthcare Management Executive
and Consultant
Morten Lauridsen
Distinguished Professor of Composition
University of Southern California
Theo Koffler
Founder, Mindfulness Without Borders
Record & Publishing Companies:
We appreciate the generosity of record companies and publishers for donating use
of their music in our films.
Todd Vunderink/Peer Music, New York, NY
Hyperion Records, Londo, UK
The Singers, Minneapolis, MN
Gothic Records, Orcas Island, WA
Divine Art Recording Group, Brandon, VT
Gary Malkin/Wisdom of the World, Ojai, CA
We appreciate the time, talent and wisdom of all
our interviewees. A sampling of these include:
Angaangaq, Dr. A.T. Ariyaratne,
Michael & Rickie Byars Beckwith,
Wolfgang Bossinger, Rinaldo Brutoco, Drew Dellinger, Richard Ernst, Michael Fitzpatrick, Shakti Gawain, Whoopi Goldberg, Chloe Goodchild, Amit Goswami, Gyuto Monks, Angela Hewitt, Chungliang Al Huang, Rabbi Irwin Kula, Tito La Rosa, Morten Lauridsen, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Bernard Lietaer, Paul Mealor, Emaho Montoya, Helena Norbert-Hodge, Palaniswami, John Petersen, Kay Pollak, Deva Premal & Miten, Peter Russell, Dr. Dan Siegel, Br. David Steindl-Rast, David Whyte and Gary Zukav.